Friday, September 21, 2012

Kandid Kamera (MUST SEE VIDEO)

Have you ever wondered what kids do in the quiet of the night when they should be asleep? Our kids have always shared a room. Ever since Ke'ala could talk with Leva they have been chatting it up, laughing it up, SCREAMING it up and fighting it up at bedtime. When we were living in Vegas, Jesse worked nights, which meant Mama was flying solo for dinner and bedtime. Some nights were hard being alone, but Ala and Leva turned 2 and 3 and it's never been quiet since then. The nights alone quickly became my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. Once they were in bed I'd shut the door to their room and it seemed like they were in a world of their own. I used to sit outside the bedroom door and try SO hard not to laugh out loud. There were many times I'd try to capture those moments, but each time I'd try, they would hear the slightest noise and stop right away. Some nights this would go on for a good hour or 2 and others, only a few minutes. Now that Sesi is 2 going on 3, the "music" at night is magnified.. it gets crazy, but most of it is great stuff. I finally wised up tonight and left my phone on video after tucking them in bed! Tricky mommy, Leva would say. The first 2 creaks of the door is me walking in the room to hide my spy cam and shutting the door as I walk out. interesting that it gets louder once I'm gone. The last creak at the end is when I come back in the room. It's a five min video but it's sooo worth it! They are singin the song "We are Young". For Ela's sake, the words to the lines they are singing are: "Tonight, We are young. So let's set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun." The only lines they know but in my opinion, I like their version better. PS- My kids sleep in the dark so you won't see any images in this video, it's just audio. Oh and PPS- If you are recieving this post via email and you can't view the video, just click the link to our blog and you should be ok. I forgot to mention the weird noise you hear in the video is Leva. He has a bit of a runny nose and he is totally sniffing it in hard core. His cold is not even that bad but he seems to think it is. I told him to get a tissue earlier in the day and he said, " Oh, it's ok mom. I can just sneeze it back in, watch." and he proceeded to sniff them back in like a pig. He is so crazy it cracks me up.
tmarkovitz has shared a video with you on YouTube
Bedtime songs
We are yaaaahhh
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Doesn't it take you back to those good ol' days when you shared a room?

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