Friday, July 6, 2012

June Download

Over the past couple of days I've looked over the contents of our blog and I can't believe how long I've kept up with it. I seriously thought I'd give it up now that I never seem to have the time or energy, but after all is said and done, I really am glad that I took the time to record some part of our lives. Even though some weren't detailed and I threw pictures up just like this post! ha! I looked back at the beginning of this and went through pictures and videos, it was fun to see and remember things that somehow slipped through our memories. In an attempt to keep it going, here are some happenings from last month that I found on my camera.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Love leva's face! 

Tough guys.

Power to the people.. 

These boys used to be the same color.. I never thought leva could get so dark 

It's been crazy the past few months with the baby being born and moving.  The only pictures i've been taking have been on the phone.  The following is a download of my camera phone.  Just a few.. Enjoy! 

Beach day.  Ke'ala thought she was a mermaid.  Jesse kept telling her that he was making her into a mermaid to get her to sit still.  After he was done she screamed, "i'm a beautiful mermaid!!".  I took a pic and when she saw she was a crab she was not a happy camper.  But she sure makes a cute crab.