Imagine yourself walking into the kitchen and seeing this scene.

"Mom, Sesi made a mess!", was the first thing I heard when I walked into the kitchen. Sure, my 7 month old opened the fridge door, took out the carton of eggs, which was on the 3rd shelf from the top, smashed them on the floor and took out all the condiments and placed them nicely on the floor. I totally believe you, Leva.

Does this look like the face of a guilty baby? Well, maybe.. ha That's egg yuck all the way up to his chee chees. :( ew!
I'm sure I would not feel the same way if I walked in on that at my house, but...that is HILLARIOUS!!!!
Pretty funny Ligo, but I should say serves you right for leaving 3 children unattended for even a split second (especially Leva). Just kidding. Love ya and miss you! Sesi is super cute!
Actually, I was in the bathroom. I could totally hear everything going on and I'd ask Leva what he was doing and Leva kept saying that they were cookin. I kept thinking, what in the world is going on? I was so nervous. And a couple of months ago, I would have blown sky high, but I've been working on it and I just shrugged my shoulders and put them all in the tub.. what else could I have done at that point? lol
Yeah. Its those times that you just have to laugh it off. At least he was willing to help you clean up. :) I can only imagine that you can't really keep your eye on all 3 kids all the time-I usually take Cyrus by the bathroom with me, but that would be near to impossible with three movers!
It's a lot to get used to thats for sure. I was in the master bath so i thought i had it covered. I put on Elmo and locked the door to the room and gave them something to snack on. I even laid a couple of toys on the floor. that would've been fine if I didn't have kids that knew how to unlock and open doors..
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