For Fathers' Day I took Jesse to see the movie "The Ultimate Wave Tahiti", featuring Kelly Slater, he's been wanting to see it for a while. It's only playing in Tampa and Orlando, and it premiered on the day before Fathers Day, so we spent the day together and decided to take Leva with us to Orlando. The movie was playing at the Orlando Science Center, we thought he'd enjoy it. We got up to the alligator and turtle exhibit, Leva, like a crazy person, stuck his hands through the display and said, "Alligator, come bite me!" nOTE to self, keep an eye on this kid at ALL TIMES!!

Leva loves fire trucks, everytime we pass the fire station he screams, THERES THE FIRE TRUCK! or BYE FIRE TRUUCK! That very same day, the Orlando fire dept was at the science center letting kids see the truck and all that good stuff. Leva was excited to see it but as soon as we went out of the air conditioned building this guy stopped smiling and wanted to go back inside. Haha.. what are we to do for the rest of summer?

It was so nice to take just ONE of our kids for the day. It's funny cause when I think back to when it was just Leva we were trying to figure out what to do with him when we wanted to go places, but now when we only have to take one, we're all for it!

It was a cool movie, they even showed tahitian dancing with nice costumes. I'm sure we'll be getting it when it comes out to add to Jesse's collection.
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