Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ke'ala, Leva, Sesi

I would have to say that this one is the Ring Leader of them all. She's the devil in disguise sometimes, and I say this lovingly as a mom, but she does things she knows that she shouldn't and then gives you this look:

so you wont be hard on her and as soon as you turn your back she'll flash you one of these:
Like I said, the devil in disguise..
I was having a lazy day and watching Rachael Ray. As soon as she started doing her cooking segment this kid pulls the chair right up in front of the tv and watched every move.

I was like, Leva the tv's not big enough? But he is my iron chef.. always wanting to help me in the kitchen, always pretending to cook and everytime I watch foodnetwork he's right there saying, "Oh! Mmmmmm, I'm hung-y! Thas look sooo good!" or "what they cookin' mom? see that? They cookin!"

Sesi.. this is how is mouth looks now.. i think he looks so funny.. he bites me every time he gets excited.. not fun. These pictures were taken on different days, just random..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Playing with Daddy

Our usual routine for getting the kids ready for bed is 'jump on daddy'.

I took these pictures a month ago.

Glad to find more pics of the kids together.
Look at leva's serious face, I asked him to smile and that's what he gave me.. he's growing up too fast :(


Well here are just a few pics I took of the kids all together. I don't know, I feel like I should post them only for the fact that I have so few pics of them together. It's so hard to do, usually they're in opposite places and never focus.
on this day I was weeding outside and the kids were playing in the yard. I originally had sesi alone on the towel under the tree but by the time I was done, I looked behind me and Ke'ala and Leva were trying to get in on it too.. lol can you tell it was one hot day? They were sitting so still, I had to take my chance!

Silence is NOT golden.

Most of the time, when I clean or cook the kids usually bring their toys and play where ever I am. They never leave my side! But sometimes, once in a while, when I'm zoned into what I'm doing, I notice after a few minutes that the kids are gone and it's DEAD quiet. If i'm not in the kitchen, usually I can find them there. On this particular day, which by the way was the day after they made a mess of the kitchen with the eggs, I was cleaning the living room. I noticed it had been quiet for a short while and called out for the kids.
No answer.
Hmm this can't be good. I stopped for a minute and listened for something.. wait a minute.. I could hear ruffling.. and then it sounded like something hit the ground pretty hard. I ran to the kitchen, no one was there. I ran to the room, and nothing. I could hear faint whispering..
I walked back into the kitchen and followed the sound..


These sneaky little kids!! One of them, I'm guessing it was Leva, dropped a can on the floor in the pantry... Can you believe they shut the pantry door behind them?? Poor Sesi, always getting dragged into everything that the older ones do. I have a feeling he will always take the heat for them until he can talk and defend himself. haha.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You Little Rascals!

Imagine yourself walking into the kitchen and seeing this scene.

"Mom, Sesi made a mess!", was the first thing I heard when I walked into the kitchen. Sure, my 7 month old opened the fridge door, took out the carton of eggs, which was on the 3rd shelf from the top, smashed them on the floor and took out all the condiments and placed them nicely on the floor. I totally believe you, Leva.

Does this look like the face of a guilty baby? Well, maybe.. ha That's egg yuck all the way up to his chee chees. :( ew!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Video Posts

I wanted to document some videos for myself so that I could always have them. The next couple of posts are videos of the kids being themselves.
Leva tried putting his shorts on by himself and got stuck. He asked me for help and when I grabbed the camera, he kept telling me 'i don't want the camera'. Poor boy. haha

7 months

Time goes by so quickly! I finally took Sesi to see a doctor.. partly because he got sick and I had to. I really hate going to see Dr's.. I want to put emphasis on the word hate. HATE! I know it's a strong word, but I never get so angry and annoyed as much as I do, or as easily, than when I'm at a Dr's office. So far, every office that I've visited, I've had to wait more than 2 hrs before I was seen, except for my Dr in Hawaii, he always saw me right away or I had to wait 5-10 min max. I'm losing faith in western medicine and the way Dr's run things. Not just because the long wait to see them, but they really make you feel like a dollar sign. Whats up with a wellness check-up? You have to see me every other month so you can tell me what I already know, my kid is fine and oh, here's his height and weight, we'll see you again in two months, until your child turns two years of age, so we could tell you the same thing. But why stop at age two? The charts that they use to measure our kids and tell us their growing rate, I found out is from the formula companies, made to chart formula-fed babies. So where's the chart for breast fed babies? Who came up with the stupid chart, anyway? Our kids aren't cattle, why do we need to track them like they are? Not one person is the same shape, size, has the same hair, color skin, so of course, babies are going to be the same way. Yet they have a percentage rate for their head measurements, weight and height. This makes no sense at all. I have three young kids, if I wanted to take them to the doctor, I have to make three separate appointments. Any questions or more than one symptom? Schedule another appointment, the doctor will only see them for one appointment, one symptom at a time, so as to "allow the doctor to have proper time to assess each symptom". cha-ching! Money in their pocket. No wonder the medical field is and will continue to thrive. Long ago, people saw Dr's when it was necessary.. A girlfriend of mine was told by a doctor (who was a friend of hers), who ws new in the field, "I don't feel like I know a lot about what I'm doing, I probably won't until i get years and years of experience, but until then I'll just be experimenting on my patients." All doctors aren't bad, but it's scary to think about. sorry about my vent, but hey, its my blog, your stuck reading it.. haha.. or just skip it and look at the pictures. Can you tell my kids have been sick for the past two weeks? lol.. well the good news is that they are better. Sesi is 20 lbs 10 oz and 28 inches. Just a little more plumping and he'll be big enough to sell for a months supply of food for the winter.. haha..oh, and he's in the 85th percentile for his height, the 83rd for his weight and 81st for his head. What a joke! :P

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Orlando Science Center

For Fathers' Day I took Jesse to see the movie "The Ultimate Wave Tahiti", featuring Kelly Slater, he's been wanting to see it for a while. It's only playing in Tampa and Orlando, and it premiered on the day before Fathers Day, so we spent the day together and decided to take Leva with us to Orlando. The movie was playing at the Orlando Science Center, we thought he'd enjoy it. We got up to the alligator and turtle exhibit, Leva, like a crazy person, stuck his hands through the display and said, "Alligator, come bite me!" nOTE to self, keep an eye on this kid at ALL TIMES!! Leva loves fire trucks, everytime we pass the fire station he screams, THERES THE FIRE TRUCK! or BYE FIRE TRUUCK! That very same day, the Orlando fire dept was at the science center letting kids see the truck and all that good stuff. Leva was excited to see it but as soon as we went out of the air conditioned building this guy stopped smiling and wanted to go back inside. Haha.. what are we to do for the rest of summer?

It was so nice to take just ONE of our kids for the day. It's funny cause when I think back to when it was just Leva we were trying to figure out what to do with him when we wanted to go places, but now when we only have to take one, we're all for it!

It was a cool movie, they even showed tahitian dancing with nice costumes. I'm sure we'll be getting it when it comes out to add to Jesse's collection.

Memorial Day

Just a quick run down of our Memorial Day weekend. We spent the day at Jesse's uncle's house. It was a bunch of fun, we grilled burgers and hot dogs and Uncle Scott took us out on his boat on the lake. I wish I had the camera with me on the boat, Ke'ala was killing me, she was too funny! She loved the boat ride, hated the life jacket. As soon as we started going fast she had the goofiest smile on her face and put both hands up in the air. She was screaming and had a blast. We all got a chance to drive the boat, even Leva, not Ke'ala, Leva was so hard to read. We could tell he was having a good time and that he wanted to get into it, but the sound of the engine was so loud, he wasn't sure if he should be excited or scared. He cheered and put his hands in the air like Ke'ala, but he had the most serious look on his face, I wish I had my camera just so I can take a picture of how different they were on the boat. We stopped in the middle of the lake to jump in and swim and I wasn't going to go in, but Leva wanted to swim so bad... I jumped in, started freaking out and that lasted for about 2 minutes. I think Leva could even tell the difference in the water because it was a brown color and he hesitated to jump in and when he was in the water he started acting like me.. ok, so maybe I influenced him a little.. and it didn't help that Jesse kept making big eyes at me like there was something behind me and saying, "swim away!".. and while I was in the water I kept saying, "it's gona bite me!" . Now I know how my brother in-law feels when he's at the beach (Bryan). haha It was fun hanging out with his family. His cousins, Kara and Tyler, were home so we all hung out and ate all day. Oh, the most important event of the day... Sesi started to crawl! I wasn't even there to see it, Brandon got him to do it and I caught the end of it as we walked in the door from riding the boat... and now I know how Jesse feels, missing out on the 'firsts' of baby doing things. ;) He started sitting up on his own and is growing teeth like weeds. I didn't take too many pictures, just a few while we were at the lake. The video is of the kids on the trampoline.
P.S.- If you're getting this post in an email and can't view the video, you'll prob have to log onto my blog to see it :)