Here are just a few pictures of the weirdest faces that Sesi has made. I don't have recent stats for him, but he'll be six months on the first of June. I can't believe time has gone by so quickly! He seems like he's ready to crawl, he moves around a TON, looks like he's doing the "worm" dance.. sometimes I wish things would just slow down a little. He got his bottom teeth in a couple of weeks ago.. before Gigi left to Vegas for Kelly and Grady.. so maybe..3-4 wks ago? He gets so close to crawling on his own but it seems like he's just waiting.. maybe he's waiting for Gigi to come back, before she left she told him not to do anything til she gets home.. ha.. i bet thats it! :P He did sit up on his own last week Friday. He gets so excited to be off of his back. I would be too, if thats all I could do.


He is so cute! Looks more like Jesse than your other kiddos though...maybe its cause he looks bald. :) Well Cyrus has 8 teeth and has been crawling now since before he was 6 months. It goes by way too fast. He is so much fun though! Enjoy him while he can't move especially because you have 2 others. Miss you and love you lots!
Wow! It does pass by really fast doesn't it? Aren't you supposed to be pregnant again about now? JK. Cute lil guy!
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