sesi laughs at this guy all day and all Leva has to do is look at him.
Everyones asleep except for me.. and Jeremy.. lol..sorry, guess thats an inside joke and i'm the only one laughing.. so I guess I could count it as a blessing because I can update my blog. I don't know where to begin, but I know that I'm behind on a few posts, so the next few will probably be mixed up and all over the place. These, I think, are random ones i took of the kids playing..OH! and I was so happy because I finally got Ke'alas hair into 2 pig tails.. and I only had to yank and pull from every direction, because if anyone knows 'Ala, they know she has NO hair. She gets that from me.. and her pig tails were the thinnest little things I have ever seen.. some day she'll be lucky to have thick hair like my neices and nephews.. some day..
taking a picture with Flat Lesa..
Daddy was anti-bikini until he saw me.. but i still want to get her a rash guard cause she's already darkness..
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