I love that our kids love the beach. I'm surprised Ke'ala reacted this way because she usually shows no emotion. But everytime we go to the beach she starts kicking, smiling and babbles. It's the cutest!

After a few minutes of being in the water this girl knocks out. I don't know how she does it, even in the waves.. but i guess its nice to hold her and still be in the water knowing that she won't wake up.
Leva definitely loves the water. He's usually in from the moment we get there until we leave, which is a long time.

These are just a few pics of Jesse, Leva and my nephew playing at the beach.

It's soo nice to let the kids out and enjoy the outdoors. I don't know if they even know whats going on or if they'll even remember it but it makes me happy to see them enjoy themselves and do things that they werent able to do in Vegas..
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