We've had a few birthdays this month. My niece had a birthday on the 3rd, 2 of my sis had their bdays on the 8th and the 23rd and my nephew Longani thats here with us turned one yr old on the 24th of this month. Not to mention my brand new baby nephew, Lincoln, who will now add to the bdays in september. To celebrate Longani's bday Lusi wanted to go to the beach. Longani wasn't afraid of the sand this time around as you can see, but I think it's going to take a few more tries to get him used to the water. It was so cute to see him crawling around the beach with a huge smile on his face.

We tried to get Leva to try out his boogie board but it was pretty rough out for the kids so he wasn't too into it. He was more into the girls that were playing in the sand, little flirt! He kept running back and forth in the middle of their group and finally plopped himself down and started playing with them. I don't know if its because he's used to being around me and my sisters all the time but the girls thought it was cute.

Latu decided to try out leva's board and had a good time with it himself.

We buried the kids in the sand.. after a little while Ala was the only one who was still enjoying herself.

I took a picture of all the kids in the sand, some girl thought it was cute and wanted to take a pic next to them.. it had to be a tourist.. but she got in my pic.. it was kind of weird..

This is just a short video of Ke'ala and the way she is at the beach...
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