Ke'alas just as excited to have another baby in the house, but that girl just cannot be trusted. She will slap a baby in the face.. or anyone else for that matter. It's all fun and games to her. She can't get close to Sesi without being too rough, so thats why there are no pics of her with the baby.. yet. ;) She has to be supervised at ALL times.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
On a sunday afternoon..
Turkey Day
We had a really good day, alot of good food to eat thanks to my sis Lusi.. I think I only made 2 sides and she basically did the rest of the meal.. mmm it was good.. oh ya.. can't leave ela out, she helped peel the potatoes for my mashed potatoes.. lol. and made a scrumptious dessert.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Trick or Treat!
This yr for halloween I wanted to make the kids costumes.. we were really busy and had a tight budget so i went for simplicity and it was actually fun to find and put it all together. The kids were crayola crayons, super simple and cheap. The only thing I couldn't find which they were out of pretty much on the whole island ( or at least our side ) was face paint.
Ke'alas felt started to peel off at the beginning of the evening because she was all over the place crawling. It was the hardest to try and get a good picture of the two of them together, Leva was so distracted by all the kids.

We definitely couldve done a better job on it, but with the short amount of time we had i think we did ok. It was definitely fun to do together as a family and I'm looking forward to next year and what we can do then.
I'm glad we went for simple and cheap this yr because the kids were more into playing than anything else. They wore their hats for just this picture we took and pretty much got wet and wouldve ruined their costumes had it been anything more extravagent.
Now I just have to make a mental note to myself for the future, easy comfy costumes for ages 1-3 or 4.. maybe until they're old enough to understand halloween and are actually into the costumes and candy. For now, I'm pretty much collecting candy for myself.. lol.
We definitely couldve done a better job on it, but with the short amount of time we had i think we did ok. It was definitely fun to do together as a family and I'm looking forward to next year and what we can do then.
I'm glad we went for simple and cheap this yr because the kids were more into playing than anything else. They wore their hats for just this picture we took and pretty much got wet and wouldve ruined their costumes had it been anything more extravagent.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Happy September Birthdays!
This is just a short video of Ke'ala and the way she is at the beach...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Birthday Love
We got some birthday love from Gigi and Papa. They sent a card for the kids birthdays, Leva's was in August and Ke'alas isn't for another 2wks, so we went out and got the kids some toys and clothes. The last time we were at the beach Leva kept trying to take someones boogie board and run off with it. I really wanted to get him one so we went to pick one out. Sure enough, as soon as he saw it he started to get crazy and would not let it go. He kept holding it right up to his face and wouldn't stop staring at it like he was afraid it was going to disappear. He dragged that thing around for the longest time when we got home. We haven't taken him to the beach since we got it but I'm looking forward to it. The little princess basically got clothes since she plays with all her brothers toys. She's wearing 18 mo clothes in this pic. I thought she'd have room to grow in them but I thought wrong. They fit her perfectly, the little heifer. I took them to the dr for a check up last wk and the little one's 22 pounds and Leva's 28 pounds. Besides a little runny nose they're in great shape.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Lincoln Friberg
Kua Bay
Leva definitely loves the water. He's usually in from the moment we get there until we leave, which is a long time.
These are a few pics I took a wk or 2 after we got here. It's been a little crazy getting the kids used to the time change while trying to get used to it myself. I wish I were'nt so tired most of the time because the kids are getting to the stage where they're starting to play with each other. I love it, it only lasts a short while, usually until the little misses starts crying cause Leva gets over excited and starts to play rough because she's actually starting to respond to him.
My little cousin had some bubbles the kids found and once I showed Leva how to blow in it he got excited and kept trying to do it himself. I let him go and watched him from the side and Ke'ala crawled over to him to see what he was doing. To my surprise he held the wand to her mouth and said "bow tita bow".. (blow sister blow) she of course tried to eat it, but I was just happy that they were content with that little thing for almost an hour.
Before we left florida Leva tripped and hit his head on the concrete. That white dot in the middle of his forehead is just the remainder of what was left of his injury.

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