My sister, Ela, sent books to the kids at the beginning of the year. Any time I ask which book they'd like me to read, they scream, "MANGO BOOK!!". At the time, Ke'ala and Leva looked like this... when I read it to them for the first time, I changed the names of the characters in the book to Ke'ala and Leva. They are siblings and I thought they resembled them. They loved it and for some reason after I did so, they named a few of their own characters, without my help, and it stuck ever since.
above: 'Ala & Leva pulling the wagon full of mangos to share with the neighbors..
Eating with Grandpa all the mahalo gifts the neighbors gave them.. I didn't name grandpa, that's the original name in the story, but they always tell me that's not Grandpa (my dad) cause my dad doesn't look like that.
'Ala and grandpa trying to figure out what to do with all the mangos. Give 'em to our neighbors!!
I don't know why, but the moment I turned the page and they saw this picture, both of them shouted in unison, "AUNTY ELA! IT'S AUNTY ELA!!" so they gave aunty ela mangos and she gave them bananas in return.
Aunty Lusi gave Ke'ala an orchid from her garden after they gave her mangos. 'Ala likes to emphasize that it's HER orchid from Aunty Lusi.
Then they ran into Sadie and Latu and gave them mangos as well. Latu is my nephew and Sadie is pretty much the only blonde friend they have.. It's Travis' daughter (a friend of Jesse's), who is the same age as Leva.
. Sesi makes sure to point out the puppy on EVERY page. At least I know he's paying attention.
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