Today is my little sister's birthday!! Happy birthday Aunty Ela! She is serving in the Philippines and we do love and miss her. Happy birthday to Clayton, too! I think my Bro in law shares the same bday.. woot woot for all the december bdays!!!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Today is my little sister's birthday!! Happy birthday Aunty Ela! She is serving in the Philippines and we do love and miss her. Happy birthday to Clayton, too! I think my Bro in law shares the same bday.. woot woot for all the december bdays!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Brett Halaleva turned 4 in August!! Where the time has gone, I have no clue, but it was a low key bday, right after World Market, I was tired and didn't want to bother with anything. We had cupcakes in the morning :) Our kids LOVE birthdays, LOVE parties, LOVE singing happy birthday, and above all, they LOVE SWEETS. Who doesn't? We had sugar in the morning, took him to the store so he could pick out his present, he is just like Jesse, knows exactly what he wants and will be glad to let you know..its been 5 months now and since we got him the dragons for his bday he's been asking for the one we "forgot". Then we went swimming, my kids were super dark this summer, all we did was swim. Good fun. That night my sisters came over last min to watch movies with Leva. the next day I took him to the park to test out his truck from Aunty Moli and her fam.
(These pics aren't in order either, I've been waiting days for my blog to upload photos and it's finally working so I'm trying to wrk fast to do as much as possible before I get lazy or before it crashes again. Bare with me, people!!)

The only one willing to smile for me at the pool.. love sesi. :(


We bought Leva goggles in Florida, we didn't have any here so he took these out to the pool and used them as his goggles. Everyone had a turn.

He is very into "How to Train Your Dragon" it's a kids movie, filled with dragons.

It was a fluke that I captured the next moment with Jesse and 'Ala. I was trying to get a close up of her smiling without Jesse in the picture and somehow this happened while I was snapping away..

She wanted her hair out, as always, told Jesse to take it out and being the man that he is, he pulled her hair tie out and wasn't very gentle about it.. she got mad at him and wouldn't go near him after that. DIVAA!

Now these two.. This makes me laugh, if you know my niece and nephew, they will fight to the death about anything. Which is pretty much what they did the whole time at the pool. Here they are fighting about who sat where. Latu sat first.. then Lina said, I want to sit there!.. so she did. lol! It was near the end of the day and in the picture above, Leva had this look on his face that was so funny to me. He had this blank stare, then got out of the hot tub and left them alone.

(These pics aren't in order either, I've been waiting days for my blog to upload photos and it's finally working so I'm trying to wrk fast to do as much as possible before I get lazy or before it crashes again. Bare with me, people!!)
The only one willing to smile for me at the pool.. love sesi. :(
We bought Leva goggles in Florida, we didn't have any here so he took these out to the pool and used them as his goggles. Everyone had a turn.
He is very into "How to Train Your Dragon" it's a kids movie, filled with dragons.
It was a fluke that I captured the next moment with Jesse and 'Ala. I was trying to get a close up of her smiling without Jesse in the picture and somehow this happened while I was snapping away..
She wanted her hair out, as always, told Jesse to take it out and being the man that he is, he pulled her hair tie out and wasn't very gentle about it.. she got mad at him and wouldn't go near him after that. DIVAA!
Now these two.. This makes me laugh, if you know my niece and nephew, they will fight to the death about anything. Which is pretty much what they did the whole time at the pool. Here they are fighting about who sat where. Latu sat first.. then Lina said, I want to sit there!.. so she did. lol! It was near the end of the day and in the picture above, Leva had this look on his face that was so funny to me. He had this blank stare, then got out of the hot tub and left them alone.
Too Many Mangos
This is going to take forever, the blogging website is acting up and will only allow me to upload a couple pics at a time, so they're all out of order and because I don't have the patience to fix it, and because it's taking forever to upload, I'm leaving it that way. That being said...
My sister, Ela, sent books to the kids at the beginning of the year. Any time I ask which book they'd like me to read, they scream, "MANGO BOOK!!". At the time, Ke'ala and Leva looked like this... when I read it to them for the first time, I changed the names of the characters in the book to Ke'ala and Leva. They are siblings and I thought they resembled them. They loved it and for some reason after I did so, they named a few of their own characters, without my help, and it stuck ever since.

above: 'Ala & Leva pulling the wagon full of mangos to share with the neighbors..

Eating with Grandpa all the mahalo gifts the neighbors gave them.. I didn't name grandpa, that's the original name in the story, but they always tell me that's not Grandpa (my dad) cause my dad doesn't look like that.

'Ala and grandpa trying to figure out what to do with all the mangos. Give 'em to our neighbors!!

I don't know why, but the moment I turned the page and they saw this picture, both of them shouted in unison, "AUNTY ELA! IT'S AUNTY ELA!!" so they gave aunty ela mangos and she gave them bananas in return.

Aunty Lusi gave Ke'ala an orchid from her garden after they gave her mangos. 'Ala likes to emphasize that it's HER orchid from Aunty Lusi.

Then they ran into Sadie and Latu and gave them mangos as well. Latu is my nephew and Sadie is pretty much the only blonde friend they have.. It's Travis' daughter (a friend of Jesse's), who is the same age as Leva.

. Sesi makes sure to point out the puppy on EVERY page. At least I know he's paying attention.
My sister, Ela, sent books to the kids at the beginning of the year. Any time I ask which book they'd like me to read, they scream, "MANGO BOOK!!". At the time, Ke'ala and Leva looked like this... when I read it to them for the first time, I changed the names of the characters in the book to Ke'ala and Leva. They are siblings and I thought they resembled them. They loved it and for some reason after I did so, they named a few of their own characters, without my help, and it stuck ever since.
above: 'Ala & Leva pulling the wagon full of mangos to share with the neighbors..
Eating with Grandpa all the mahalo gifts the neighbors gave them.. I didn't name grandpa, that's the original name in the story, but they always tell me that's not Grandpa (my dad) cause my dad doesn't look like that.
'Ala and grandpa trying to figure out what to do with all the mangos. Give 'em to our neighbors!!
I don't know why, but the moment I turned the page and they saw this picture, both of them shouted in unison, "AUNTY ELA! IT'S AUNTY ELA!!" so they gave aunty ela mangos and she gave them bananas in return.
Aunty Lusi gave Ke'ala an orchid from her garden after they gave her mangos. 'Ala likes to emphasize that it's HER orchid from Aunty Lusi.
Then they ran into Sadie and Latu and gave them mangos as well. Latu is my nephew and Sadie is pretty much the only blonde friend they have.. It's Travis' daughter (a friend of Jesse's), who is the same age as Leva.
. Sesi makes sure to point out the puppy on EVERY page. At least I know he's paying attention.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Warning... picture overload!
The longest I have gone without posting, but ever since I found out I was pregnant in
August, it seems like events have happened, one after the other, keeping me and my family very busy, leaving my poor brain burnt out and forgetful. After working World Market the first couple of weeks in AUgust, it was birthday after birthday after birthday after birthday.. and we're STILL going with the birthdays until January is over and then, SIGH, a break in Feb then bdays start again in March. The many blessings of having a HUGE family. I will TRY to keep it to a minimum and in order, but if not, oh well.. it's 4 months worth of crazy. Deal with it.
August, it seems like events have happened, one after the other, keeping me and my family very busy, leaving my poor brain burnt out and forgetful. After working World Market the first couple of weeks in AUgust, it was birthday after birthday after birthday after birthday.. and we're STILL going with the birthdays until January is over and then, SIGH, a break in Feb then bdays start again in March. The many blessings of having a HUGE family. I will TRY to keep it to a minimum and in order, but if not, oh well.. it's 4 months worth of crazy. Deal with it.
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