I was so emotional on Sunday. I can't believe how fast time has gone by.
It was a Sunday of firsts. Leva also had a chance to bear his testimony in Sacrament meeting. Every first Sunday I give Jesse a nudge and in a teasing way, I ask him if he's going to bear his testimony. And every first Sunday he shoots me down. It's become a ritual for me every fast and testimony meeting. I knew this day would be the same (even though I wish he would, I love hearing him share his testimony). When I popped the question I got an enthusiastic answer from Leva. He rose his hand and said, "I want to bear my testimony, I can do it!" Jesse and I laughed, we haven't gone over testimonies yet with him. 20 minutes go by and he's still in my ear about going up to the top. I explained to him what he had to do and he said he could do it. I couldn't deny him the opportunity, he was so anxious. I told him he'd be scared and he said he wouldn't. I took him up and as we sat at the front of the room, he caught a glimpse of his Uncle Tonga and shouts, "Hey Uncle, I'm up here! Hiii!" While we waited for our turn I told him that I'd help him and he'd just repeat after me. " No mom, you stay here. I'm gonna go by myself, ok? I'm not gonna bear my testimony, I'm just gona say a prayer." The speaker sits down and he bolts to the pew. He reaches for the mic, stands on the step, takes one look at the crowd and ducks down. SCARED. He stalled, didn't say a word and every time I told him we'd sit down he'd whisper a little something in the mic. All the while, Ke'ala (sitting with daddy below) is saying, " Come on, Lev! Come on!" It seemed like forever so I finally shared my testimony, half way thru that, the mic goes off, I turn and see Leva pushing buttons where the controls were, over by the bishopric. That happened twice during my testimony. Needless to say, we'll be working on testimonies at home. We had a very uplifting day.
Sesi, wearing Leva's hand-me-downs. The bruises on his head, he's a tough guy.
What is it with kids and shoes?
Like father, like son.
Picture above is Leva and below is Sesi. They're about the same age in the pics, give or take a month or two. Sesi might be older in the pic.. maybe..
Oh my gosh, everytime you tell a story like that I just imagine it being Maile. I can totally picture the moment. Just be thankful that he wanted to bear his testimony. Every Sunday Maile tells me how she doesn't want to go to church. I'm a little worried about that. Maybe we should work on testimonies too. :)
Liesel!! I don't know if you got my email, but I tried to get to your blog and realized you had switched it to private!! taeao32@gmail.com is my email, if you have an invite to spare.
Leva's said that a time or two. Luckily, he's been distracted enough to forget it and go. If you find a way to get over that hump, please, share!!
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