Halaleva turned three in August. I know I'm really late but I got busy and I'm playing catch up now. Jesse decorated his cake, I baked and iced it. :) It was a fun day, basically a "Car's" themed birthday. He's been obsessed over the movie since the beginning of the year and isn't it funny that it's only been two months since his birthday and now he's over it? Kids! He still likes playing with the cars and watching the movie but now other things spark his interest, instead of "Cars" being the one and only thing. It's good for us cause we were getting pretty tired of it, we had to hide the movie so we didn't have to watch it everyday. Aunty Moli, Telesa, Lina and Sai sent him a bike, which he LOOOVES. The first day he rode it, he was a little shakey because the bike's just a hair too big for him. But he found a way to ride it and the second day he took off like wildfire. I'm in the process of teaching him how to brake. A few weeks ago we went walking and he rode his bike. A car turned onto the road, I told him to stop and he just stopped pedaling his bike. The darn bike kept moving,obviously, because he didn't push on the brakes, but I couldn't help but laugh cause it looked so funny. His face looked shocked, like, I stopped moving, why is the bike still going? He knows how to brake now but we're trying to put it together with the pedaling. Jesse and I got him a helmet to go with his bike and it came with a bell, which he rings while he's riding and says, "I am speed! I'm Lightning McQueen!" When he got the helmet, he wore it everywhere. Even when he wasn't riding his bike. We also got him swimming goggles so that he can see under water. It was a hit! When he got under water we could see his head moving from side to side, looking at the bottom of the pool. He couldn't stop laughing when he saw us under water, he'd get so excited, he'd lose his breath and have to come up for air.

the morning after his bday with all his car loot. he's wearing a car's tshirt frm aunty Kelly.

watching cars, wearing the helmet.

she wanted a turn on the bike.
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