Keei Ward Nursery

This is an old post from Leva's nursery in Hawaii. I LOVED HIS NURSERY TEACHERS AND HE LOVED ATTENDING! They always had great things for the kids to learn, he NEVER came home empty handed, they were hands on with the kids there, and he loved every minute of it. His teachers were on top of everything from the minute those kids walked thru the doors to the minute they walked out. They had a shoe rug where all the kids would take off their shoes before entering the class. upon entering, the kids would go straight to a table and color for a few minutes until everyone in the class came in. Each child had a space on the wall with their names on it to collect all the crafts they made during nursery. AFter coloring, they would get to play with toys for a few minutes, and it was ONLY a few minutes. During 'toy time' they would take 2 or 3 kids at a time aside and help them to make crafts, which were usually things that had to do with the lesson for the day. Then they would all clean up and had snack time. Before snack time everyone would line up to go to the bathroom and wash hands. 2 of the teachers would take the troop to the bathroom while one stayed in the classroom to collect them as they came out. They used the time for washing hands for anyone who had to use the bathroom, which saved a bunch of time! Snack time was never just saltines or the usual graham crackers. They hooked these kids up! After snacks was a lesson and then a little bit of toys before singing time, which i loved because they didn't just sing they had bells and tamborines- sp? and rattles, things they used to make music while they sang, it really helped the kids get into it. Leva would come home each sunday with a different song he learned or saying some comment about church that i knew he'd learned from nursery. Well, I took leva to nursery here in Florida and he immediately took his shoes off when we got to the room. I tried explaining to him that he didn't have to do that here but he wouldn't hear it, off went his shoes. :( He looked around for a coloring table.. but nothing so he went straight to the toys. I left him there and came back for the last 20 minutes in church to find him playing with the same toys in the same spot where i left him. He had a look on his face like he was ready to leave. I'm not saying that i don't like our nursery here or that it's terrible, in fact i think the person who was there that day was just called to serve in nursery or fairly new to the callling.. but it made me realize how important EVERYONE is who has a calling in the church. I'm so grateful for teachers who put so much effort and heart into their callings. As a parent its such a good feeling to know that your leaving your child in good hands and that they're learning good things and being inspired, even at such a young age. I didn't mean for such a long flipping post, but i hope this will help me remember to be better and do better when i have callings in church. Here are just a few of the things leva came home with from nursery, i wish i had taken pictures of more. At the top is his "Book of Mormon", its filled with pictures from the bom, when we read scriptures he pulls this out. I love his scribbles in the front, thats him writing 'book of mormon'. The plate with the dif pics of food was when they learned about the word of wisdom and eating healthy foods.. the snacks on this day was mmm mmm good!
This was valentine's day, which was also the chinese new year weekend. Each kid was sent home with a plate filled with cupcakes, not one cupcake per kid, but 10.. and some chinese candies.. it was pretty cool. Every holiday was like this, i would've had a picture of more but by the time we got home, Jesse had eaten his "crafts" or treats that he got sent home with... i guess another bonus with having a kid in nursery.. lol
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