He's doing great, he picked it up fairly quickly. I tried potty training him before, the first time a few wks before world market in '08- which was just a TERRIBLE time to try to do anything.. but I bought pull-ups back then and didn't like the concept of buying basically a different "diaper" to teach him how to go to the bathroom. ( $30 down the drain) After 2 days of trying to get him to the bathroom BEFORE he went, and taking care of Ke'ala, while trying to get our condo ready for world market and Gigi to visit, I threw in the towel. The 2nd time I didn't want to go back to the pull-ups and we had already moved here to Hawaii, BUT we were staying with my aunt and uncle at the time. I was also 7-8 months prego with Sesi and had Ke'ala crawling around everywhere.. I wasn't crazy or asking for a death wish, I was just bored and tried to find things to do to help me feel accomplished. Well, after a few hours of trying to keep Leva by my side and scooping him up to go to the bathroom before he would go, and cleaning up maybe 2 accidents on the floor, thank goodness they were #1's!.. i gave up and decided that I was crazy for even CONSIDERING to try to do it at that time, in that condition, and thought maybe I should check myself into a crazy house. My very sane other half suggested that I wait til I was ready, so I did just that. I woke up one day in January and said it was time and we haven't looked back since! I'm totally happy, but also sad because he's growing up so quickly, he lost his diapers and now he's a "big boy". I read this book called Potty Training in 3 days.. yes 3 days, it's crazy I know, but that's my middle name, were you expecting anything else? Honestly, I started on a Thursday and was done by Saturday. It's so nice to have only 2 kids in diapers now! I'm not excited to train Ke'ala though.. I know she will make it H-E double hockey sticks...i just hope she's potty trained by the time she starts school.. haha