I'm a little late, but with 2 kids so close in age at home, I'm not on top of things like I was when it was just the three of us. Here she is in all her glory. Little Ke'ala.. or not so little.. when she just turned 3 months @ 15& 1/2 lbs. She likes the bumbo until she gets tired of holding her head up. I wonder if they make little baby bra's?

This is what tummy time looks like. SERIOUSLY!! 'Ala is the weakest link, so opposite her bro. I love it, she cracks me up everytime i put her on her stomach, a few quick seconds later and she's down on her face. She hates it!! My nephew who's 2 wks older than she is was holding his head up and doing tummy time like a pro by the time he was 2 months (you can see a pic of them on my "crazy cousins" post) her cheeks are probably weighing her down. Ha!
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