Friday, January 30, 2009

3 Months

I'm a little late, but with 2 kids so close in age at home, I'm not on top of things like I was when it was just the three of us. Here she is in all her glory. Little Ke'ala.. or not so little.. when she just turned 3 months @ 15& 1/2 lbs. She likes the bumbo until she gets tired of holding her head up. I wonder if they make little baby bra's?

This is what tummy time looks like. SERIOUSLY!! 'Ala is the weakest link, so opposite her bro. I love it, she cracks me up everytime i put her on her stomach, a few quick seconds later and she's down on her face. She hates it!! My nephew who's 2 wks older than she is was holding his head up and doing tummy time like a pro by the time he was 2 months (you can see a pic of them on my "crazy cousins" post) her cheeks are probably weighing her down. Ha!

Pretty Princess

At any given time, this girl's attitude and expression will change with the blink of any eye. Fun times...
My sisters think she looks like Jesse.. and Gigi.. see the resemblance? Look past the brown skin and dark eyes.. and dark hair.. lol..
This face is my favorite!.. it might tie with her crybaby face.. and her laughing face..

A normal day

Anytime I'm doing anything with Ke'ala, Leva will ALWAYS try to help.
In this pic I put her to sleep and set her up on the couch. I went to put her bottle away and when I came back this guy was on the couch next to her. Such a big softie!

It's amazing what little space he can squeeze himself into. There was nothing in the bottom part of the cupboard, he just opened it up and climbed all the way in, I caught him while he was backing out!

He always wants to hold her, as much as he loves it, it is pure torture for her. She freaks out whenever he attempts to do anything with her.
This picture says it all..

If you ever visit, hide your shoes. If you find them missing, there's no question that this kid took them and declared them his own. Here's Leva trying on my nieces shoe, which I had to fight to take off.