Monday, January 27, 2014

Fun with Sesi

I can't remember if the kids call this the Jumping Tree or Jumping Log.. Either way, Sesi was in a very talkative mood.  There is usually a huge pile of sawdust that the kids jump into from the highest branch but with all the rain we've had in the past week it's all been flattened down.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mac nuts 101 with Sesi

Sesi and Ke'ala rarely speak when spoken to (with adults they aren't familiar with) because they're so shy.  It's hard to FAce Time with family, usually they are mute and can barely stand to look at the screen.  I caught Sesi in his element yesterday and thought it too cute to pass up.  Please notice the broken shells around him. My siblings and I used to eat Macadamia nuts all the time as children and it reminded me of those days.  The kids on the farm are always eating something.  Often times they are found climbing trees filling their shirts with tangerines or oranges.  The other kids in the video are a few of the Nakamoto kids that live on the farm.  There's never a shortage of kids here.  Lynzee is Ke'alas best bud, they're the same age and everyday Lynzee has a (pretend) party/sleep over at her house that Ke'ala is invited to but the boys are not and the 2 are also "sisters", which the boys get really angry over because its "not true mom!"and they don't understand the term 'sister from another mister'. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Marko Kids

There is something to be said about having a baby in the home.  They bring with them a spirit that everyone in our home can feel.  It is so sweet.  The kids are beyond happy that Jeremy's a part of the gang.  Each morning as they wake, one by one, they stop by his bed and greet him good morning and touch him and kiss him and it's all I can do to ward them off because he is still sleeping.  All are excited to help and most times they don't understand why they can't carry him/feed him/take him out to play and Ke'ala just can't wait for him to grow up so she can do all those things with him.  Salesi is in LOVE with him, it's so cute.  When Jeremy cries, Salesi says, "Hold on, Jeremy. Hold on..", as I rush to change his diaper or pick him up.  Sesi thinks Jeremy is hungry all the time.  "Mom I think you should give him some food cause I never saw him eat anything, he's only drinking milk all the time!"  That's a conversation I get to repeat a few times a week. 
Oh Ke'ala, she's growing up so quickly.  Some days I wish she were still a little baby so I can hold her again.  Most times it's so I don't have to hear her repeat the same questions over and over again all day long. :D I love our crazy kids!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sunday Drive

Poor Jeremy, I wonder how many times this kid bothers him while I'm driving. 
Oh, look.  A random picture from last year at Ela's wedding that Siu sent me pre-Jeremy.  Actually, I may have been a month or two prego.  Note to self, try to take family pics soon. 

Oink oink

                                                       We were out and about on the farm, the kids were playing at the pavilion.  I caught Sale stuffing his mouth full of tangerines.  Kind of cute.  Kind of scary.  I could've stopped him but some times you gotta let kids be kids... until they choke... and die.. kidding.  Lately he's all about chewing up food, sucking out the flavor and juices, then spitting it out so I knew he'd never try to swallow it all.  Eventually he made his way to the other tangerines laying around the field and did the same thing... oh my goodness.. I JUST remembered that I forgot to pick up the tangerines he spit out!!  What a horrible neighbor I am. 

One month + pics

Friday, January 3, 2014

Close call, Santa

Tonight this conversation went down in the car ride home.

Leva: Santa's not even real
Me: why do you think that?
L: he didn't bring what I asked for. I asked for a real life robot and he didn't give it to me.
M: well maybe he didn't cause he didn't want you to hurt yourself with a life size robot. I don't think Santa gives kids things that they might hurt themselves with... But didnt you get the other things on your list?
L: your right, mom. I could get hurt with a big robot. It's too dangerous.
Ke'ala : Ya! Santa doesn't even LISTEN to us!!
Me: what now?
Leva: keala wanted a rocking horse.. (From the Elf movie)
K: and he didn't even bring it!!!
L: well.. Maybe he couldn't read her words. Keala writes very sloppy. Next time, keala, ask me to help you so I can write your letter for you so Santa can read it, ok?
K: ok!!

Phew!! Almost blew it, Santa! Hopefully this yrs list isn't as crazy as the last one.

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