I took a nice picture and a funny picture but there are three posted because David, the boy on the far right, took a funny picture in the nice one and a nice one in the funny picture. He was kind of upset about it so I took a third picture. Like I said, it was a fun class!
These are the Babysitting Swap kids!! Jesse and I went in with 2 other couples in the ward to do a Babysitting Swap. I can easily say that it was one of the best decisions that we made together. Ha ha. Each couple was assigned to one Saturday evening of the month to babysit the kids in the group for 3 hrs, leaving the other couples to go out on a date or to spend 3 hrs together alone, without kids. I loved it. It really pushed us to make an effort to spend time together, even when we were too lazy to do it. I can admit that sometimes we were too tired to drop our kids off at the end of the day because of all we did before hand. But our kids loved to go and never forgot a Saturday. They'd ask if it was time to go their friends house and we'd feel too bad to tell them we were too tired, so we got our butts up and took them to go play, but it was always so nice afterward for Jesse and I. They made really good friends in Florida.
Maile and Ke'ala. Both 2 yrs old. Sometimes their personalities were a bit much for each other.
Grant and Jackson, Leva loved these two.
The gang. From left to right, by age, 3,2,7,4,3,11 months,6, 10 months, and Ke'ala would be another 2 yr old. But she was on the side line crying with daddy.