Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby of many faces

Sesi turned 9 months on the first of September. Several weeks ago he started pulling himself up on different props and now he's gotten to the point where he stands pretty well on his own for a good amount of time. He's got the bruises to show for it. Poor kid, he looked like he got in a fight with a racoon. I remember when Leva started crawling he had the same bumps and bruises, but he never had a black eye. Sesi pulled himself up on the dresser and lost his grip and hit his eye against it.
He makes really funny faces. I think he takes after Jesse so much when he makes his faces. Maybe it's his eyebrows? I can't put my finger on it, but this guy can communicate with just the look on his face. Except for the picture below, I think that one is mine, I know I make that one all the time.. hahaha!!!
They were taken in his crib while i was picking up the room. I decided to put them up because i don't know if i'll ever get them again in one sitting.

above: the "I'm serious!" look.

"pleeease, help me!"




We were eating spaghetti for dinner yesterday and Sesi started to get sleepy. He dozed off in his high chair and a few minutes later he woke up suddenly, and very groggily, grabbed a handful of noodles and stuffed it in his mouth and went back to sleep. This was the after picture. Sesi, I love you!!

Here comes trouble

Every time I turn around this girl is getting into something she's not supposed to. And when she does, I always think of my mom. How in the world did she survive with 7 of us girls?? HOOOW?!? And ALL 7 of us are 1 or 2 yrs apart. My poor mother. My poor father. My poor brother.. the youngest and last of the bunch. hahahhaha!!! But I know they love us and we have the best stories and memories of our childhood. I love and appreciate them so much more after just ONE girl.
This was a couple of nights ago, when they were supposed to be asleep. She found my makeup and got into it. Leva looks like he got dragged into it. Peer pressure. He barely had anything on, I think because he knows they're not supposed to get into my stuff. It was probably killing him to hold back and not do anything so he dabbed a little onto himself. She used up all my mascara and got into a few of my eye shadows, which are shimmery and glittery so you can't really see it, but it was all over their clothes and skin. Looking at the brighter side, at least they didn't wake Sesi.

The look of guilt!!

Natural Grown Mullet

Ke'ala's hair is definitely something else. From the front, it looks like she has none, from the back it's long and curly. A mullet.

Below are shots of her head on one of her nappy days. I don't know what it is with the right and left sides of her head, but they aren't growing in even at all. Laverne says that Kelly's hair was that way and so was one of her sisters' when they were young. Phew!!! Nothing to worry about, it'll grow in eventually. Her hair is thin but curls up at the ends. It makes me laugh. I can't complain, she's come a long way from being bald! ;D