Jesse and I were recently called to serve in the Primary as Valiant teachers, only the boys, ages 8-11. This first sunday was our first time teaching the class and I can already tell that I'm going to love it. We went around the class and had everyone say their names and what they like to do. One of the boys said, "My name is Keone, I'm 9 and I like to play with fire", everyone quickly agreed with him, took back their favorite hobby and said that was the best thing to do. Gotta love boys! Our lesson was on the Plan of Salvation and we had very interesting conversations with the boys. Jesse asked if anyone knew about the war in heaven and one of the boys answered.."the south wanted slavery and the north wanted freedom so the north came down and started fighting with the south..". Very entertaining.
We also blessed Sesi this wknd. My dad blessed him, it was a beautiful prayer. This is the first blesssing that Gigi and Papa weren't able to make. It was really weird not having them here. We really missed them. Hopefully with the next one we'll be able to have both sides of the family present. All in all, it was a great sunday. I have pictures but can't upload them to the computer unless I transfer them to a cd first. Hopefully remember to post them later. Until then, here are some random pics of Leva and 'Ala. Lately leva hasn't been smiling much, he makes this joe-cool face when we try to get him to smile for the camera. He makes this face and then smiles after the picture is taken. Oh he makes this face when he dances too.. its so cute and weird at the same time. I don't know where he got it from.. genetics from Jesse maybe.. lol

My brother was playing around with him and my nephew one day put one of his costumes on the kids. The hat was leva's choice.