He's finally here and we're so excited! We had our newest addition on Tues. Dec 1st at 1:47 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 8 ounces and was 19 1/4 in. We named him Sesi Latanoa 'i Honaunau. Sesi (pronounced seh-see) is Jesse in tongan. I wanted to name him after Jesse but didn't want to reuse his middle name, Brett, since it's leva's first name. I switched it up and used the tongan translation of Jesse instead. My dad gave him his middle name. The way he explained it to me was that from the time we first moved to the island we've always lived in or around this part of town, which is Honaunau. Theres something about it that made him never want to leave and he's grown to love it so much. As he was talking it over with my mom she suggested that they give Sesi a name that would remind them of our time here and the love they have for this place. Latanoa 'i Honaunau is the name he gave. Latanoa, meaning to be drawn to or reluctant to leave. Jesse and I have alot of memories that we've made here as well, getting married here is a big one.. not only does it remind me of my parents and childhood, but the beginning of our lives together. It's really special to me.

I'm excited to tell him the story and meaning of his name. He's such a handsome little boy and we're so happy to have him in our lives! These pics are of Sesi right out of the hospital to a wk old. We checked out of the hospital EXACTLY 24 hrs after we checked in... but I'll save that story for another day..lol The pic of me above is right before we checked in. My D-day was originally the 4th but the doc gave the ok to be induced on the first. Leva is always the gentle giant. He LOVES babies and we can tell he's so happy to have another baby in the fam. He loves to cuddle, give hugs and kisses..lay and fake sleep with the baby. He's always excited to help when he can, especially with feedings and getting things I need for the baby. I can tell he's going to be a good big bro.

Ke'alas just as excited to have another baby in the house, but that girl just cannot be trusted. She will slap a baby in the face.. or anyone else for that matter. It's all fun and games to her. She can't get close to Sesi without being too rough, so thats why there are no pics of her with the baby.. yet. ;) She has to be supervised at ALL times.

We've already had Sesi's 1st wk follow up appointment last wk. He's 9lbs 5ounces and 22 inches. He has his 2nd wk appointment on Wed. and I'm sure he's gained another pound or so.